The Caler Group

The Caler Group

Career Counseling

Considering there is no perfect solution for everyone, we have developed a candidate’s service selection based on your personal needs to assist in finding your next career opportunity.


One-on-One Career Counseling Options:

All One-on-One Counseling Options include a dedicated career coach to assist you through your job search.

Resume and Cover Letter Writing Assistance:

One of the most difficult challenges for someone is to speak about themselves, but who better to summarize your responsibilities and accomplishments better than YOU. In a market full of competition, we work with you to create a cover letter and resume that works to push your data to the front of the line through providing fool-proof design and writing preferences for your written correspondence and marketing materials.

cover letter


Currently we are offering “Don’t Interview….Audition” to you in both a published copy or an eBook format to act as a silent coach and reference guide through your transition.


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